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The same benefits apply to each member, irrespective of their profile.

Or consider collaboration as a sponsor or affiliate.

Join: Benefits
Sketching Materials


Join an active, diverse and growing community of art stakeholders, to exchange ideas, expertise and opportunities


Have a say in the development of AIS standard, by participating to working groups and voting on consultations and resolutions

Paint Tubes
Holding a Paintbrush


Gain and share access to the latest technological advancements, through working groups, publications and learning programmes


Become an early tester and adopter by participating to prototyping and reference implementation

Artist Holding a Paintbrush
Art Gallery Open Space


Gain visibility amongst AIS members through active participation, and externally via our outreach activities featuring member use cases, speaking opportunities and more


In due time, AIS members will be granted a badge for DID creation and promotion

Gallery hall
Join: Testimonials
Annika Erikson bis.jpg


As founding member of AIS, Articheck is pleased to be at the forefront of developing the infrastructure and standards to facilitate deeper knowledge and understanding of artwork and cultural objects, as well as create the robust environment today’s buyers are calling out for.


Annika Erikson, Founder & CEO




Joining AIS is subject to vetting. Please share your details and we will be in touch within two working days. Thank you.


Working groups you wish to contribute to:
How did you hear about AIS?

Thanks for reaching out. We’ll get back to you soon.

Join: Apply


Please apply first. AIS Vetting Committee will be in touch soon.

  • Academia/Student

    Every year
  • Ind Professional

    Every year
  • Small Non Profit

    Every year
  • Medium Non Profit

    Every year
  • Large Non Profit

    Every year
  • Small Corporation

    Every year
  • Medium Corporation

    Every year
  • Large Corporation

    Every year
Join: PaidPlans

When members join, they agree to commit to AIS Code of Conduct, which includes the following provisions: 


1. Adherence to our set of Values


2. Communication 


Internal communications

  • The AIS mission is to promote honest and insightful discussion with peers. Members’ communication is to be conducted at all times with integrity, respect and rational discourse.

  • Written communications via shared collaborative workspaces, email or text messages are to be limited to the interests of the members.

  • Collaborative work spaces and meeting minutes are located on the shared drive and available to members at all times.

  • Members may opt out of newsletter communications at any time by writing to the AIS Coordinator, Executive Committee Members or Board of Directors.​


External communications

  • Publications by AIS members can express individual views but do not necessarily represent the views of the association at large.

  • Official AIS media channels are managed by the Outreach Committee and are approved through their means.

  • AIS members are encouraged to share information that pertains to the AIS mission and is relevant to the AIS goals as well as news and events of their own collaborations, research, and developments on the AIS media channels.

  • The standard boilerplate communication for members to include in documents and shared materials is:

“xx is a member of the Art Identification Standard. AIS is a not-profit standardisation organisation, bringing together art stakeholders around a common mission: to bring to the art world a standardised and unique Object Identifier that can be permanently assigned to a given artwork, in an international, inclusive, innovative and sustainable way. More information on”​


Members conduct

AIS expects all members to

  • be kind, courteous, respectful, transparent, and helpful

  • honor the information privacy and confidentiality requests of others

Unacceptable behaviour includes: harassment, including offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, religion, ethnicity, or technology choices; bullying; deliberate intimidation; sustained disruption of talks or other events.


3. Non-profit activities

Members are cognisant of the non-profit status of the AIS association and will strive to maintain compliance with its requirements as a non-profit organisation. Members subscribe to the AIS Articles of Association, Manifesto, Bylaws and other available documents.


4. Members disputes

Should any issues arise related to the expectations outlined in this document, please refer to the dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in the AIS Bylaws.


5. KYB and KYC

  • Each member confirms that she/him and/or their organisation are not on any international or national sanction list.

  • Each member confirms that she/him and/or their organisation are not involved in any money laundering or terrorism funding activities.

  • Each member confirms that she/him and/or their organisation are not involved in any bribery and corruption activities.


6. Intellectual Property

Each member acknowledges that they have read, understood and agreed to the AIS Intellectual Property policy.  AIS is the exclusive owner of all its materials, ideas and information shared with each member by AIS, including all intellectual property rights (as defined in the policy) therein worldwide in perpetuity in any and all media now known or hereafter known. 


7. Amendments

This is a living document that will change over time and is amended following the processes outlined in the AIS Bylaws.

Code of Conduct
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©2024 by Art Identification Standard

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